Friday, August 26, 2011

Weekly Progress Report

And how are YOU feeling? Accomplished? Healthy? Something else?

Let us know how things are going along with your cumulative miles.


Amy said...

Slower week for me :\ The garden harvest and processing of all the goods has taken away most of my time.

However, 16 this week, bringing my total to: 130.

Sarah Jones said...

Good week this week! I'm up to 68!

Amanda said...

26 miles for me this week, bringing me up to 151. After taking a few weeks mostly off, I'm finally catching up!

Nise' said...

I am feeling behind. It has been difficult to get back to a normal routine after my last flare-up, but I'm trying!

Forgot to post last week with 15 miles this week is 13 miles for a over all total of 70 miles.

M. Denise C. said...

Went to the gym on vacation. My total is 64.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

The week went pretty good since it's allergy season. I'm up to 87 miles total!

Anonymous said...

Another slacker week (4miles) for me, for a total of 148 so far.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

57 total for me, 9 for this week. I tried to do more - but I haven't quite figured out the magic organization combination. But thanks to this challenge I am trying real hard to *get* it!

Sally said...

Slow week...5 miles for total of 65. "Slow miles is better than no miles". Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I really need to get back to jogging mow that the weather's better.

My current total- 42

Jenn said...

Well, again I didn't have a week with a lot of miles, but I am feeling pretty good that I am sticking with it. Total is now at 54 miles.

raych said...

5 miles this week. Egad. 105 total.

2manykraemers said...

51 total for me. Only 35 more days! I'll need to do about 2 miles per day for the duration in order to meet the 100 mile challenge. Gotta kick it up a notch!

Bobbi Sharp said...

117 miles. :)

Deb said...

Work was waaaaayyyy too busy this week, so I only managed 3 miles -- and that was this afternoon! Total of 47 for me. I'm almost half way there! Should be able to make it, because my 10k race is on Sept. 24 and I'll have to ramp it up with training over the next few weeks.

alisonwonderland said...

I'm feeling happy with my progress. Ten miles this week, for a cumulative of 65 miles.

Anonymous said...

66 total miles.

Anonymous said...

Adding 13 miles this week for a grand total of 76 :) I think I'm going to finish early for once... and I never finish early!

Anonymous said...

I did8 miles this week, spread over 5 days - so a little bit every day.

I'm at a total of 82 miles now. It looks like I'm going to easily make the 100!

Anonymous said...

73 miles for me.

kellybmomof3 said...

New total of 84 for me! I busted it out this week!! Only 2 pounds from ONEderland!!

Jennifer said...

Its been a busy week for me and the heat made it even more difficult for me to get out there and exercise. Only seven miles for me this week giving me a grand total of 77 miles. It's not bad but I am hoping for a little bit better in the future.

kristinemarie7 said...

10 miles this past week for me, for a total of 62. I'm working out of town for work and I try to go running every other night, which has worked out so far when I'm out of town. The problem is when I go home and have so much to catch up on!