Friday, August 12, 2011

Weekly Progress Report

So what's your exercise of choice? Have you tried anything new during this challenge? I've been sticking with my old favorites...mostly walking with a couple days of yoga tossed in for variety. Maxine looks like she's trying kick boxing (in her bunny slippers), but I'm not 100% sure.

Let us know what you've been up to, along with your cumulative miles.


Debsdailylife said...

Deb K Total 90 miles. I LOVE MAXINE!!!

Sarah Jones said...

Crazy miles this week!!
Total is now 55 thanks to a loooong run last weekend!

Amanda said...

I'm only at 108. Been slacking this last little while in the heat! Actually the only exercise I got in this week at all was one walk and one hour-long dance party with my kids. I have a feeling the next two weeks will go similarly...

Amy said...

21 this week to bring the grand total to: 86.
The main exercise of choice: running. I haven't run for the past two years, but picked it up again this summer :D. Tomorrow; Marathon-relay with my sister-in-law.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Got in 8 this week for a total of 38, and I added a Jillian M workout DVD in there.

Anonymous said...

21 this week, bringing my total so far to 139. I've been walking (both inside and on the treadmill), doing Zumba, strength training, and I've ridden my new bike a couple times in the past week.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

I got 8 miles in, for a total of 67!

Anonymous said...

Is it Friday already? I'm at 28.

Veens said...

I was under the weather for awhile and then the whole bunch here are sick too - but I got 4 miles done this week. I am going to make up for lost time from now :)

raych said...

Only six miles this week, alas! I've been packing, which is sapping my energy but doesn't count as exercise. Total: 88.

Sally said...

8 miles this week for a total of 60. Walking, hiking and swimming are what I've been doing.

alisonwonderland said...

I walk. Eleven miles this week - for a cumulative total of 48. Almost half way to the goal!

Jenn said...

This week I did 12 miles, which I am super proud of, for a Total of 46 miles!
During this challenge I started working out with another person, something I hated doing before, but I am now finding is motivating.

Bobbi Sharp said...

Another tough week... grand total 83 miles.

Anonymous said...

5 miles for a total of 45.

Anonymous said...

I meant 46. I can't add.

kristinemarie7 said...

Only 7 miles for me this week, working 12+ hour days is not helping. Total of 46 for me.

Joy said...

Joy of MO: 41 miles

Anonymous said...

I managed 11 this week for a grand total of 52. The break in the heat has really helped!

Anonymous said...

My husband took some days off and we went for cycle rides and walks ... when it wasn't raining.

Cycling is definitely my favorite activity, but I should use our crosstrainer more often (when it's raining!). My total is 61 miles.

Anonymous said...

61 miles for me. I've been walking this past week, but I think I'm going to throw in some yoga this week.

Michelle said...

35 miles for me. I did manage to up my mileage to 7 miles this week. I may not be making great strides but at least I am moving.

Deb said...

I knew I'd do better when I was on vacation at the cottage.... 16 miles last week for me, that's a total of 38!

Melissa Zegley said...

Only 8 this week for a total of 81:) I was hoping to get a run in with my husband but the rain won and sleeping in was nice. I am definately on a mission for next week.

Melanie said...

Only at 46 miles. As I just moved to Taiwan, I'm spending all my free time sightseeing rather than exercising! Thankfully, my days do have more built-in activity to them, since I'm walking or taking public transportation everywhere rather than driving...

Joy said...

Only 3 more, for total of 35. I need to get my hiney moving!!!