Welcome to Round 3 of the 100 Mile Fitness Challenge.
Six months ago, Trish posted this online fitness challenge after participating in a similar challenge through work. She loved it and wanted to keep going personally, so she proposed her online buddies join her. Now we are moving into the seventh month of the 100 Mile Fitness Challenge.
This round Trish is passing the hostessing torch on to two enthuastic participants: Enriched Mom (Allie) and Softdrink (Jill).
Enriched Mom (Allie) lives in Northern Virginia and is new to the blogging world. She is working on going from couch to 5k and her goal is to generally move more so she can have energy to keep up with her 2 kids. This challenge helped her do that through the cold winter months and she very much is looking forward to getting out in the spring weather!
Softdrink (Jill) lives on the Central Coast of California and was one of the very first people to sign up for the challenge in October 2009. She even designed the lovely button you'll see displayed here at the blog and on other participant's blogs. Oh ya, she also wrote the 100 Mile Fitness theme song: I Would Walk 100 Miles.

Here’s how it works:
In order to complete this Challenge, you will need to “travel” 100 miles from April 1 through June 30, 2010. 100 miles too easy for you? (and really, it is easier than it sounds) Sign up for 200 or even 300 miles!
Here's how you calculate your mileage:
*Running or walking 1 mile outside or on a treadmill equals 1 mile.
*15 minutes of other workouts equals 1 mile (elliptical, swimming, weight lifting, workout video, workout classes, etc.).
A few "workout" stipulations:“Workouts” only include activities specifically done for the purpose of exercise. Shopping, house cleaning, walking to and from the parking lot, and other day to day activities should not be included.
Partial miles travelled on different days cannot be combined. For example, if you run 1.25 miles on one day, and .75 mile on another day, that does not equal 2 miles. It counts as 1 mile.
Minutes accumulated on two different days cannot be combined. For example, if you workout 10 minutes one day and 5 minutes the next day, that does not combine to equal a mile.
1 mile on the bike or elliptical does not equal 1 mile, etc. Only walking/running is mile for mile.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How do I report my miles to you?
A: On Fridays a Progress Report will be posted. You will report your "miles" in the comments section. Once you report, then your name will be added to the sidebar we will update your miles you each time you report. Ultimately it is your responsibility to keep track of your total mileage.
Q: I just found your challenge and it’s already May, but I still want to join!
A: Well, then join! Ask how you can prorate your 100 miles.
Q: Why can't partial miles or minutes be counted?
A: Among other reasons, it will hopefully push you to complete that mile and gain more. You'll thank us in the end. :)
Sign Up Below--No Wallflowers Allowed! (You do not need a blog to participate--just put this blog's URL in the URL field if you don't have a blog). Also list your mileage goal. If you are going for 100 miles, add a (100) after your name like this: Trish (100). If you are going for 200 miles: Trish (200), etc.
Wanna Help Motivate/Guest Post?
If you are interested in being a contributor to this blog--maybe workout tips, recipes, or other ideas, please let Jill know via [fizzybeverage] at gmail [dot] com
A few disclaimers:
1. We do not guarantee that you will lose weight or win your marathon if you do this challenge.
2. As with any new exercise program, check with your doctor to make sure it's okay you participate.
3. We hope you’ll have fun and maybe get/provide some moral support by participating.
4. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask at any time!
I didn't make it to 100 miles this time, but I am hoping to make it during Challenge 3!
Looking forward to round 3! I think Trish has me listed as Amanda G in the sidebars and that's fine to keep. I know there are too many of us Amandas around.
Thanks Jill and Allie!!! I'm looking forward to kind of kicking back with this round. :) Who knows, maybe I'll get the big 2-0-0. Sha right. Still going for just 100.
I suppose I should also say (since I didn't put it into Linky) that I'm only going for 100. Summer's coming in TX, it's too hot for anything more than that!
I'm looking forward to trying to make 100 this round. I had to drop out of last round early on because I sprained my ankle and wasn't exactly doing any miles on my crutches.
I'm looking forward to participating again!
Hopefully my nordic walking poles will offer enough support for me. Either way me, my dog, and a pair of sticks are going to attempt 100 miles.
2nd time round for me :)
this time I will making around 160
will still only aim for 100
The first month I seemed to go crazy Feb and March seem more realistic.
Also because I live in New Zealand this 2nd time round will include our winter
I will try to do my progress reports this time :) didnt do any my first time round
maybe Ill make some more friends this time? :)
Thanks Allie and Jill for taking over this challenge. Wish my body showed the miles I walked! Guess I need to eat less food. Will work on that this round.
2nd time for me. My goal is 101 - 1 mile more than last time. Baby steps. LOL. This time I'm adding Pilates Equipment classes. Thanks to our hosts past and present. You've done a great job!
I'm in again. 100 miles for me. I hope to do more but that's my goal. Thanks for keeping the challenge going.
1st timer...100 miles! ;)
1st Timer - I'm going for 200 miles because I am already walking between 2 and 4 miles a day :) :) :)
I have developed some good exercise habits over the last three months and hope to do even better in this round. Some spring weather should help too!
I have developed some good exercise habits over the last three months and hope to do even better in this round. Some spring weather should help too!
Hi, I'm going for 100 miles. Thanks for encouraging me, and thanks to Jill and Allie for hosting...and to Trish for the hosting the last rounds.
Hi there! I love this challenge. It causes me to keep track and push myself. I did 6 miles today (April 1). I am going for 350 miles in the next 3 mos. Thanks everyone for the motivation!
Hey, ladies! So glad your hosting this season's challenge. It's kept me motivated each week to stay on track...I'm now addicted. And I'm certain Trish needed the rest. So...thank you!
I made the 1 mile this week for a total accumulated of 1 mile to date. LOL!! It's a start!
Kimberly (Garden in Paradise)
Hey there,
This is my first time here - I am going to try for 200.
Between yesterday and today, I have done 4 miles.
I just wrote my wrap-up/new beginnings post for Round 2 and 3. Click HERE to see it.
I'm going to try for 150 even though it's already getting blazing hot in Texas ::crying a little already::.
My milage goal is 100 miles!
I am a new participant ... and I am going to aim for 200 miles!!
This will be my first 100 Mile Fitness Challenge, so I'm just going to try for 100 miles. Thanks for encouraging me to move!
I would love to see some posts on the couch to 5K plan if you have time.
I hope it's alright but I set my goal at 66 miles. I have some health problems and can't push myself too much but 66 miles would be a great improvement for me. This challenge is a great way for me to keep track of my progress. I didn't quite make my goal last time but still improved upon what I was doing before.
I am going to sign up again but I am setting my goal in kilometres instead of miles, which I hope is alright. Miles hurt my poor little brain and I like to use my exercise bike which doesn't convert the distance it measures to miles either. I will make my goal 322km which is about 200 miles.
Hi there. Looks like I'm joining in the middle of the challenge. Hope it is OK if my goal is at 60 miles for the remainder of the challenge. Either way, I'm just excited to be joining in. What a great idea!
I've tried to complete this challenge before, but think I can do it this time for sure. Thanks for continuing it.
Hello all--this reporting time had it's ups and downs--I did a half marathon slowly and recovered slowly. Am raring to go to complete this challenge though. Happy Decoration Day! I had 59 for the period May 14th-May 27th, which is hard to imagine, but I had it written down in my calendar.
So I totally realize that I am joining this thing by the time it is almost over, but I just came across this blog and thought it was a great way for me to get myself into shape. Thanks!
I am excited for this challenge. Melissa 150 miles!!
July 5, 2011 Count me in for the current challenge... I will do the 100.. Walked 4 yesterday....
I would like to sign up.
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