Please report your miles from October 1-8th in the comments section.
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
Also, I'm not requiring that you post about the challenge on your own blogs, but I know some of you are doing periodic updates. If so, leave us the link in the comments so we can come cheer you on!
Have a great week!
7 miles for me--started feeling a little under the weather yesterday so had to cut my week short. Hopefully this week will be better!
Loved yoga this week--although it was a really calming 45 minutes I was still a little sore the next day!
I"m going to come back later to answer this question. I need to do some more exercise today. This challenge got me to exercise the other day for the first time in about 6 months, yay! But I'm sore and of course a bit relunctant to do more. :D I'm sure I'll be way behind everyone else this first week!
I hit 14 miles this week, with a few obstacles trying to slow me down. Here is my post:
A big, fat zero for me. I'm having a hard time getting motivated... someone needs to kick me in the rear! ROFL
You ladies are doing GREAT!!!!
This week was a busy week so I only reached 5 miles. A slow start but at least I exercised more than the week before. I guess thats a start.
I got 1 mile in so far, but I'm planning on some more today. I was down for the last week with a sinus infection that has finally cleared up enough so I can exercise again.
Zero for me. :-S I feel so lame. Exercise starts tomorrow. I promise. ;-)
I'm at 4. Not great, but 4 more miles than I've done in the last year.
Ok. So I just signed up and am trying to juggle my schedule. But I will get there! Only 2 miles for me. :)
Oh! And here's my post. I'm going to update it as I go along.
I did 15 miles this week. Twelve of those were based on four nights of 45 mins on my bike, as the weather here has been too atrocious to walk in. I did manage to walk 3 miles yesterday though. I am holiday next week, so won't be able to update until I come back.
Thanks guys for your reports! Don't feel bad for starting slow, especially since I was late posting and some of you came this past week to sign up.
But a word of advice...don't get too far behind on your miles!! Remember that at the very end of the challenge is the holiday season.
If you can work out for an hour on Saturday and an hour on Sunday that's EIGHT miles!!
Keep on keepin' on. :)
I plan on doing a post this weekend. This week I've done 3 miles.
I did 4 miles this week. I started late in keeping track - not until Wednesday, but this coming week I'm hoping to get in at least 4 days at the gym if not more.
12.4 miles for me this week. Did my longest run EVER this morning...9 miles. It feels great & I am hoping that this is the motivation I need to keep on moving.
Way to go everyone!
Hi there! I am one of the Kims. I did 10 miles this week and hope to do a few more next week! Thanks for the challenge!
Hey there! I got in 8 miles. Our weather's going to get down to 22 degrees tomorrow, so I'll need to bundle up. I plan to post about my jogging on my site, but that won't be until the weekend. http://wordsworldandwings.blogspot.com
Okay, you can put me down at 4 miles of the week. I managed another 2 today. My calves are killing me!
I got in ten miles this week (forgot to put the last update on my blog, must do that!). That was spaced over three forest/beach walks.
One of those miles was done while lost in a recently deceased (cut-down) forest that turned out to be harder than about 20 miles anywhere else since you had to wind your way through tree carcasses and not fall in holes! (or at least pick yourself out of holes, which I did countless times).
There were also repeated cases of rampant were-bunnies jumping out at us and causing a bit of unplanned adrenalin. My poor dog tried to climb me to safety (not a good look when he's a German Shepherd and nearly 100 pounds).
Does carrying a freaked out German Shepherd through a tree graveyard while dodging were-bunnies get you extra miles? If not, I think it should.
Foul beasts aside, it was a great fun and had the weather co-operated, probably would have gotten in more!
I'm starting small, since I haven't done yoga in months and i have fibro. :)
Only 1 mile for me this week, but I'm proud of that!
I was surprised by my total this week: 15!
Here's my blogpost:
You can add another 4 miles for me I lifted weights for an hour tonight.
8 miles. A cold knocked a few miles off of my hoped for total.
Hi Trish: I didn't start the challenge until the 8th so, I'll be getting back to you.
Sorry I'm late.
I have no miles to post.
I'm starting the challenge today!
I joined late and started slow, so only 1 mile this week. But after some serious walking today, I know already that my total for the next update will be much higher! Thanks for getting me motivated. And hurray for the accomplishments of all the other participants!
15 for me this week. I'm going to blog about it tomorrow (Sunday). I'm starting my weeks on Sunday from now on; This past week, I started on Monday.
You all inspire me! I'm a marathoner but can tell you know do know how hard it is to take the firt step, complete the first mile.
You are taking control of your life!
37 miles for me this week.
I am logging in with a big old zero. My son was so sick this week we ended up taking him to the hospital. So needless to say I spent most of this week with a two year old attached to my hip!
Elise: 3. Sad, sad week.
Jason: 12 miles for Jason. (wow, he's so much better than me.)
I started tracking on 10/9, and did 6 miles thru Saturday 10/10. My week will run Sunda - Saturday ...
Thanks for the motivation, Trish!
For October 1-8, I've done 7 miles. I really am enjoying this challenge!
Well I didn't get started very well. Only 2 miles this week. I had to be to court earlier almost every morning so missed walking and then was busy with my daughter's wedding over the weekend. I did get a bit of walking on the beach and up and down hotel stairs Saturday but it all seemed partial so I didn't count it! At least I maintained my weight all week - no gains! :) Thanks for giving me some accountability here!
Thanks everyone for your reports! Many of you are off to great starts, and for those who had slow starts--no worries. Just be sure not to leave them all to the end!
Some of you have mentioned that your week will go differently than the Friday report. Whatever you want to make your 'week' is fine with me, but please don't update your miles more than one a week. Poor Trish will get really confused!! :)
And Wendy--hope those were-rabbits leave you alone this week!! Reminds me of a book I read when I was little--Bunnicula.
Sorry I'm late....I only did one mile that week. Hoping to do much better this time around =)
I just joined the challenge, but am very excited about it!
I blogged about it here:
My daughter had swine flu, so you can put me down for a big fat lame ZERO. I am really hoping that I will get in a few miles this week.
Sorry for posting so late--always playing catch up. Did the half marathon Freedom Run in Shepardstown, WVa. Beautiful run, very hilly. I logged 15 miles this week.
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