I hope you all had a successful week, and that you've found a routine. I tend to break my walking up through the day, because on work days I don't have enough time to do all of my walking in one chunk. So it's a mile in the morning before work, 1.25 miles at lunch, and .75 miles during afternoon break. On a good day. My problem is getting up in time to walk…somedays it's mighty difficult to roll out of bed! I'm hoping this challenge will motivate me to get my butt out of bed in time for a walk on a more regular basis.
Anyways, enough about me. Let's hear from you! It's time for our first weekly check-in, so please state your total miles for the past week in the comments below, and either Jill or Amanda will update the sidebar with the totals.
Please note: We will only be updating the sidebars once a day, most likely in the evening, so please don't leave snide comments or send emails about not seeing your totals. It takes time to maintain a blog, people. Sorry to sound a bit pissy, but this has been a problem with past challenges, and I have to tell you, I'm not in the mood for it this time.
WOAH you must be one strong lady to get up extra early to do your 1st mile of the day! ;)
Due to illness I've been housebound most of the week so I'm not going to be ashamed that my first check-in is for only 11 km (6.9 miles).
Hey, I'm really rather proud I managed to get those done yesterday! It's unfortunate I can't count the 25km I hiked on the very last day of June... But I'm an honest grrl. ;)
Kudos to all participants -- and get those miles going! :)
Gnoe's Goal: 162 km (100 miles)
OK! I have only 2 days in the last week. One was on 2nd july ( mom's bday)- that was around 2miles ( 1 mile up the hill and the 2nd down hill ) and on wednesday - 2 miles :)
Yesterday I did 15 minutes of Yoga ( 1 mile!)
THat is total of 5. I want to be regular from this week on.
I made it out twice this week for a two mile run! So for the week, I am at four miles, only 96 more to go!
Checking in with 24 miles for my first week. :)
I did 7 this week through a combination of walking on the treadmill and bike at the gym. It's too hot here in Austin to be outside for a workout - 100+ every day this week and every day in the forecast. :-)
My total for the first week is 6 miles. I'm off today so I got a good start on next week's total!
It's not quite yet a habit, but I did manage to force myself to the treadmill 5 times this week (my goal is 6x/week) and walked 2 miles each time. Total for this first week = 10 miles.
I walked 7 miles this week. Part of it was outside in 100-degree weather...that's Texas for you in the summer.
9 miles this week
I did six miles this week. I admit that I skipped my session on Tuesday to go swimming instead. Not even exercise swimming, just hanging out in the pool.
11 miles!
16 miles for me in the first week. :)
Way to go everyone! 21 miles for me.
I got off to a slow start due to my back/neck acting up. But ended up with 14 miles for the week.
I logged 15 miles this week, which is a pace I'd like to keep up so I'm changing my goal to 200 miles.
Ummm...forgetting and the long party weekend makes my first week very lame. 5 miles. Oh well, I can improve next week!!
sorry to be off-topic, but is there a twitter hashtag for this?
Melissa 23 miles!!
I managed to get in 4 miles of running and a one hour bike ride -- so that's another 4 miles. So 8 for me!
It's 14 miles for me. Lots more than I expected but I did try hard.
10 miles even for me!
Slow start for me - but at least it's a start! 4 miles!
Wow, everyone's doing so great! I made a smart decision and walked to yoga, so this week I racked up a total of 9 miles! I think the key is now consistency.
Yay!!!! I had a great first week...
Weekly total 16 miles
14 miles for me!
For the person who asked, the twitter hashtag is #100miles or #100mile (not sure which is the official, I've seen and used both).
12 miles for this week. I hope to do even better next week because I won't have summer school. Have a great weekend everyone!
12 miles for me!
Only 2 miles this week!
Pleased to announce I got 14 miles in this week :)
Count me in for 9 miles this week!
Not the best first week...can only get better, right?! 5 miles. :)
Getting over the cold I had last week and finally got back to running this week - a total of 6 miles for me.
13 miles for me!
I'll use #100mile. Thanks, Amanda!!
Make it 10 for me.
Did 10 miles this week. Between taking the dog for her walks and a trip to the gym!
Well we didn't get as many as the reat of you did - but we were on an airplane a lot!
4 miles for us.
Sorry I'm leaving this a little late!
As of Friday, July 8th, I have completed ....
10 MILES!!! Woohoo!
Slow start for week 1 ended July 8-only 5 miles. Slow miles is better than no miles
4 for me and I am still trying to find my routine in 103 degree heat and 95% humidity... but 4 is better than none I say and I am determined to double that today!!
I was on vacation and was not able to post. I had 8 miles for the first week!
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