A BIG CONGRATS on finishing the challenge! Even if you didn't get to 100, give yourself a huge pat on the back for sticking it through to the end.
See below for Mister Linky so you can link your wrap-up posts if you choose to write one on your blog. Please take a moment to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Did you have any triumphs throughout the challenge? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals did you set and did you meet your goals? What would you do differently/the same next time?
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend and a very Happy New Year.
And don't forget to sign up for the 2010 100 Mile Fitness Challenge!!
**Also--random question: Do you guys like reporting on Friday or do you have another suggestion? Any other criticism--positive or negative--is greatly appreciated. You guys have been troopers!
Final note--I'm in the process of moving homes and have very limited Internet access for be patient with me the next few days/week... :)
1) Friday works for me. I have no complaints at all. :)
2) Good luck with moving!
3) I did it! I'm taking today off, so my total for the challenge is 103 miles. Woo-hoo!
I walked 7 miles this week...I ended with a whimper. :-D But I'm so happy I broke 100...thanks for being our organizer extraordianire!
I didn't do a wrap up post but I did get 4 more miles this week. I barely managed to get to 100. Thankfully school is back in session next week and I go back to my normal workout routine.
My attempt to cover the last 20 miles to make it to 200 failed miserably! But that is my fault...I totally underestimated how crappy the weather would be in Indiana. Anyway, I ended up walking 178 miles this time around. But watch out in the first quarter! That 200 mile mark has my name on it!
I really lost focus in the end, but I'm committed to doing better next time. Thanks Trish for doing this. It works better for me to calculate the miles from Monday to Sunday, reporting the previous week's total on Monday (or late Sunday). It's the way my Polar F11 is set up. But changing it for everyone else might be confusing!
I pushed it this week and I've almost made it. After my kids go to bed tonight I'm going to get in my last few miles. I'll post when I'm done. So close!
I just finished a half hour of pilates and it puts me at 100! I'm so excited that I did it (even with joining three weeks late!)
I can't wait to get started on the next one. Checking in on Fridays works well for me.
Happy New Year!
After being sick last week and being able to exercise, I did get 14 miles in this week to wrap up the challenge with 171 miles.
Not sure if I am signing up for Round 2 or not, as I do not need motivation to exercise. It's either exercise or be in poor health, easy choice!!
Thanks for hosting.
I did it! 100 miles on the dot. Of course I had to do 4 miles on the treadmill today, but they count :) I'm adding 12 miles to my 88 for the big 100.
Thanks so much for hosting this. It did make me walk when I didn't want to. I'll be signing up again.
I reached my 100 miles two days before the end of the month, more or less on hands and knees to get there hehe. I'm going to give myself a break for the next challenge but I'll be on for the one after!
I did it! I was determined and I walked like crazy this week. In the morning and evening and a little weights and ab work in the evening as well. I got in my last 39 miles and reached exactly 100. I definitely will be less of a procrastinator for the next round. My body is aching tonight but I did it!
I made it too! Got 107 miles in total (172 kilometers). Happy happy joy joy!
Congrats to everyone (making the 100 or not ;) and see you in the new challenge!
Btw Firday updates are fine with me but any other day will do as well.
Good luck with moving house! It can be stressful...
I just posted my wrap up:
http://zqueenbees.blogspot.com/2010/01/why-i-go-to-gym.html -- don't miss this picture.
I don't need to lose weight, but I do need to concentrate more on my bone mass. Thanks Trish!
I did 17 miles this week, thus making it to the 100 mile goal just under the wire yesterday afternoon. Hooray! I'm going to set the bar higher next time though as, with a bit more free time and more discipline, I'm sure I can manage more. So, thanks for making more seem possible!
I had 31 miles this week for a grand total of 247 miles - 3 miles short of my 250 goal. Here's a link to my post: http://m3kp.blogspot.com/2010/01/week-11-100-mile-fitness-challenge.html
Looking forward to the next segment!
Thank you so much for organizing this. I can't wait for the second round.
My total for last week was 9 miles and this last week was 15 miles.
Hi, I didn't reach my goal of 100 miles, but I still consider my 76 a big success and will definitely be doing this again. My challenge was December. I went away for a week with work and then Christmas was spent away as well so I couldn't go to my gym or get out much.
Sorry it took me so long to check in... gave up on the dialup internet at my parents house, but now I am home again :)
Fridays are fine for me for checking in for progress reports.
I can't believe it, but I just added up my numbers and I got exactly 150 miles!
GREAT JOB!!! Thanks for sticking with me to the end and I hope that some of you have signed up for next time around. Even if you don't "need" motivation, it's fun to do this with so many other people!
Congrats to our Hundred Milers (as reported):
*Amanda D
*Kim (m3kp)
*Tommy Girl (Mare)
*Katie D
*Vicky (Shore Debris)
*Kate S
*Kim F
*Beth F
*Kate (mom)
*Amanda G
AWESOME job!!! :D
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