Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekly Progress Report

No exercise cartoon this week, but this one made me giggle. And giggling is healthy, right? Too bad it doesn't count toward my total miles, though.

Speaking of are you all doing with those miles? Leave a comment letting us know your cumulative miles.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I didn't do anything this week! That's terrible, and I don't have an excuse at all!

So, it's still 90 miles. :-(

M. Denise C. said...

Well, the weather changed in TX and life is good again. I am at 76 miles now.

Amanda said...

I agree with Denise - weather changed here in TX, and it's wonderful! I added 31 miles, for a total of 206.

Sarah Jones said...

Thanks to an 8 miler on Labor Day, I'm up to 90 miles! 10 more to go for me!!

Anonymous said...

14 miles this week, putting me at 90. I think I'll make it!

raych said...

Ok well rats, I thought I was having an amazing week because I ran 8.5k (that's 5 and some miles) last Sunday and was all I AM A BOSS but that may have given me a false sense of excellence because I only managed 14 miles on the week, and I need to keep up 3 miles a day if I'm going to hit 200. So, 145 total, and some ground to make up.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

My total is up to 98 miles...only 2 miles short of my pledge!

alisonwonderland said...

Six miles this week, for a cumulative of 81.

Deb said...

I forgot to post last week. So between the last week and this week I did 18 miles. For a total of 65 for me!

Amy said...

clippin' away.....trudgin' along.....
17 more miles this week: total -- 162 miles

Sally said...

10 miles for a total of 85 miles

2manykraemers said...

I know I am late to post, but can I still queeze in my 14 miles I did this week? My grand total is 86. I'm almost there!

Melissa Zegley said...

Even with the floods, rain and evacuation I still managed to get in 25 miles for a total of 129!! Hope next week is a little less eventfull...

Michelle said...

6 miles this week, upping my total to 57. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Anonymous said...

8 more miles to get me up to 93 :) Almost there!

kristinemarie7 said...

8 miles this week, for a total of 80 for me.

Debsdailylife said...

Deb H Total 183