So here we are, in the final week of our challenge! Rather than ask you all how you're doing - since that's pretty much what our weekly progress reports do - I'd like to ask you all how the challenge has gone for you, outside of mile numbers. Have you enjoyed your exercise? Do you feel like you've learned anything about yourself? What did you enjoy most about the past three months in terms of exercise or fitness? Did anything exciting happen to you that you'd like to share?
As you reach forward towards the finish line, leave us a comment about how your journey has gone, and what you've discovered along the way. We'd love to hear your story!
I've been pregnant since this quarter started, and somehow when you're pregnant you're all, I walked to the store today! Four whole blocks! I win at exercise. Which, ok, maybe when I'm over-ripe, but for NOW I still have the wherewithal to walk MILES. And sometimes RUN miles. I just lack the motivation, which the challenge gives me.
I am a person that likes to finish what I started and this challenge helped me push through an awful summer health wise that had me, at times, wanting to give up. There was one week that I only did a mile, but being part of the challenge helped me to push through and get back on track at a quicker pace I believe.
I never thought I'd make it, but I'm at 107 miles and counting.
On holiday, I've made an extra effort to get in some 15mins blocks of swimming, and back at home, I've cycled for an hour at a time just because. Because of the 100 mile challenge!
I do think I need a challenge like this to go the extra mile (so to speak). Without it, I'd have maybe done half the amount, if that.
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