Please report your "miles" for March 19-25 (Friday through Thursday). Please take a minute to make sure I have your correct total from last week.
Progress Report #12
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
If you have an update on your own blog leave your link in the comments below. (Be sure to also leave your miles in the comments so I don't have to track them down!) Take a minute to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Last progress report will be March 31st!!! Only 6 days left!
Hope everyone has a great week,
This week we had 8 miles for a total of 105 miles.
13 miles for me. 169 - 31 to my goal. Ah well, there is always next time!
7 for me this week. That puts me at 108. Woo-hoo!
32 for me this week. We had a week of sunshine and warmth, which helped a lot! This morning we woke up to snow and ice; go figure. :>}
I'm the newcomer; just joined this past week, but anything that will motivate me to exercise is great!!!! So I've logged 9 miles this week. YAY! I'll be looking to sign up again for the new round. Thanks, Trish, for hosting this.
16 miles this week for a total of 189. I might actually make it to 200!
7 more for me, to bring me to 94. Almost there!!
6 miles for me this week. My total should be 115 now.
Hi, Trish! I added 8 miles this week for a total of 125 accumulated miles. Happy Weekend!
I did 8 miles this week, for a cumulative of 79. Thanks!
10 for me this week. This has certainly gotten to be a routine for me. The challenge is overcoming the urge to go home for a nap instead of hitting the trail right after work but taking my clothes with me has really helped. And I bought myself a new pair of running tights this week - knee length since the weather is getting nicer. If I get in at least 10 miles this upcoming week, I will be at 150 for the challenge!
It can still be done! I'm at a total of 89 miles / 142 kilometers. And I hope to go hiking tomorrow! Today I need to do taxes etc. and I have a farewell party to go to tonight.
Good luck to all -- we can do it!
I had to push myself the last two weeks, but I did it. I got my 100. 11 miles for the week for a total of 100.
Thanks Trish for hosting the challenge. It's great motivation.
Okay, I've completely failed this month--not at exercising, but at keeping track and reporting in here.
I know I did at least one run per week (we normally do 2, but I had to miss some). So, I'll give myself 9 miles for my missed 3 weeks, plus I did 9 miles of snowshoeing the weekend before last, and 9 miles of running/walking last week.
Total, then, for 4 weeks: 27 miles. Bringing my grand total to 90 miles, which means I have to do 10 miles this week to make it to 100? I can do it!
It was so pretty this week, I got in 22 miles! That brings me to 174. :)
I had 12 miles last week, if you didn't count the hundred miles I walked up and down the streets of San Francisco. Yikes!! My total mileage, as of Thursday the 25th, is 210 miles. Thanks for hosting Trish. You're an inspiration. Love, Mom
I had 15 miles last week.
Total is 139.
22 miles for a total of 224
8 for me! Only 12 to go. :)
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