Please report your "miles" for February 12-18 (Friday through Thursday). Please take a minute to make sure I have your correct total from last week.
Progress Report #7 (Half-way!)
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
If you have an update on your own blog leave your link in the comments below. (Be sure to also leave your miles in the comments so I don't have to track them down!) Take a minute to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Guest Posts:
If you would like to guest post (recipes, exercise tips, motivation, etc), please let me know via email at trishsreadingnook[at]gmail[dot]com! Anyone, anyone anyone...? Bueller?? :P
Have an awesome week!

And a small request for those who workout with videos. I'd like to write up a post with short little reviews of favorite workout videos. If you have a workout video that you just love, please send me an email this week (by February 26th) with the title of your video and a small paragraph about why you love the video so much. If you can provide a link to it on Amazon, that would also be helpful (and let me know if you're an Amazon Associate so I can link that, too). Hopefully we can put together a great post with video ideas!
Have an awesome week!
And a small request for those who workout with videos. I'd like to write up a post with short little reviews of favorite workout videos. If you have a workout video that you just love, please send me an email this week (by February 26th) with the title of your video and a small paragraph about why you love the video so much. If you can provide a link to it on Amazon, that would also be helpful (and let me know if you're an Amazon Associate so I can link that, too). Hopefully we can put together a great post with video ideas!
Add another 11 miles for me this week, bringing my total to 76
8 miles for me!
I failed to post my results last week because they were rather dismal. This week was a bit better though :)
My total for the past two weeks is 10 miles for a grand total so far of 49.
Well, cold weather, worker men in my house and the stomach bug resulted in 20 miles this week instead of the 25ish I've been reporting. I may get in 5 miles today, but I'm not reporting it because I feel yucky and don't want the pressure! So that takes me to 170. We are going to Universal this weekend and I will walk my rear end off, so I am excited to see what kind of miles I will get next week!
I got 15 this week, making my grand tota 98! I was happy - I was able to get in my "alternate" workouts Mon-Thurs this week.
Here's my http://shoredebris.blogspot.com/2010/02/100-mile-fitness-challenge-week-7.html
Oh, I have some favorite workout videos! Look for my e-mail tomorrow :)
Another crappy week for me. Between having all our windows ripped out and worked on for 3 days and the boys all sick with strep throat, I have not had a lot of time for exercising. I only managed to get 4 miles in at the beginning of the week before the sickness/windows started. That brings me up to 58. :(
I've walked 13 miles this week for an accumulated total of 76 miles. YAY!!!
- Kimberly (garden in paradise)
I have another 10 this week.
I'm up to 65- Yay!
I am up to 75 miles total now! I got in another 13 this week and have started running again in hopes of doing a road race this spring.
Here is my post
16 miles this week, for a total of 105.
Another 6 miles this week for a total of 50!
Half Way There!!
But I need to step it up if I want to hit 100 by March 31st.
A measley 3 miles for me this week, for a total of 87
Six miles this week - for a new cumulative total of 43.
It's been a busy work week - but with the days getting longer, it's going to get easier to walk even when I get home late. Thanks, Trish, for the continued motivation!
Checking in
9 miles this week.
for total of 65 miles now.
12 miles this week. Less then I wanted, but still puts me over 100. 200 is my goal, so I had better step it up soon!
Not as good a week as last week but I still got in 9 miles! This brings me to 40 (I added wrong at one update).
This coming weekend I'm going skiing for the first time ever! My sister and I taking a lesson and hopefully I'm not going to break a leg!
28 for me this week. This challenge is making me take the additional ten minutes to walk another half mile so I don't "waste" the first half!
10 for me, for a total of 57.
6 miles. I tweaked my hip Friday and got the stomach flu this week, so not much exercise for me this week.
10 miles for me this week for a total of 42.
26 for me this past week! Total 199...I should have planned ahead and fit in another mile somewhere!
26 for me this past week! Total 199...I should have planned ahead and fit in another mile somewhere!
17 for me this week.
I'm seriously impressed with Kim Frazier who is at 199. Way to go.
I didn't report last week because I ended up SO sick, but over the last two weeks I got in 8.
I'm feeling better and back at it now though!
11 for me this week. I'm being lazy because I have two books to read before Wednesday and Saturday, respectively. I'll get back on track after that!
I kept forgetting to post my total for the week, thankfully I finally remembered near a computer!
I got in 18 miles last week; bringing my total to 98!
Sorry to be so late to check in. Managed 17 miles last week for a total of 130 miles.
Great job everyone! We're nearing the home stretch, so now is the time to pump it up!!! Myself included. 9 miles for me last week putting me at 37, but I'm still hopeful for 100. :)
Way to go!!
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