Please report your "miles" for January 29-February 4 (Friday through Thursday). Please take a minute to make sure I have your correct total from last week. If you missed last week's progress report, you can just leave your total in the comments below--no need to go back.
Progress Report #5
Last week I proposed a mini-challenge to introduce something new into your exercise routine. Let us know how it went in the comments below!
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
If you have an update on your own blog leave your link in the comments below. (Be sure to also leave your miles in the comments so I don't have to track them down!) Take a minute to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Guest Posts:
Progress Report #5
Last week I proposed a mini-challenge to introduce something new into your exercise routine. Let us know how it went in the comments below!
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
If you have an update on your own blog leave your link in the comments below. (Be sure to also leave your miles in the comments so I don't have to track them down!) Take a minute to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Guest Posts:
I've been sick...only 12 miles for me this week! Oh, and my total on the side is wrong. It currently says 10 and it should say (including this week's miles) 71 miles.
10 more miles for me this week.
I completed another 8 miles for the week. Since exercise in general is a relatively new activity for me - I did not feel the need to participate in the mini challenge - I have not been doing this long enough to be bored yet :)
My best week so far: 12 miles.
As a change, I went skating! I was shaky at first but pretty soon I was gliding around the rink. And I didn't fall down.
Hey, Trish! 12 new miles for me bringing the total accumulated miles to 51! YEA!
- Kimberly (garden in paradise)
Trish, I forgot to include how I've "switched it up" recently. I use the Wii Sports (not the Fit). It's a lot of fun and REALLY can get you pumping if you get into it...especially the boxing! I boxed for 45 minutes one time and thought my arms were going to fall off! My shoulders were sore for a few days!
Finally back in the game! 17 miles for me this week, mostly due to hot yoga, which was my "new" exercise. Definitely a great workout! Here you can see me doing a very embarrassing Eagle pose: http://lovelaughterinsanity.blogspot.com/2010/02/hot-yoga-exercise.html
Hope everyone's having a great week!!
Because of the flu I'm a bit late with my January update bu that doesn't matter because I haven't gotten any miles/kilometers done in Feb yet ;)
I managed to EXACTLY achieve my my monthly target of 55 kilometers = 34 miles. Ha!
12 miles for me this week for a total of 39 miles.
16 miles for me.
I made 12 for the week, including switching out for an aerobics/cardio/weight training video. That brings me to 52 miles total. Woo-hoo! Past the halfway point!
Like the other Amanda, I made 12 this week too. :) The best part of the week was when I let my 4-year-old lead us around the neighborhood and he took us 2+ miles. I really need to do that more often!
28 miles for me this week! I am MURDERING my past totals.
I got in 13 miles this week
I was able to log 21 miles this week, which takes me to 125 miles. My big issue, which is trying its best to drag me down, is a bathroom renovation. I have workers boys in my house most of the day, so I don't feel comfortable getting on the machine in their presence. So I have to do it early in the morning or at night. Bleh. But I am still walking. I've not switched things up, just because I am hanging on by my fingernails to do what I do. I don't belong to a gym, but once the bathroom renovation is done, we will be creating a workout room, complete with weights and things. Once we get that complete, I'll be able to really do some other great exercises.
Tough week for me: just 4 miles (for a cumulative total of 32).
Thanks for hosting this challenge, Trish! It's helping me stay committed to keeping going despite setbacks.
I have a brief progress post here.
I rolled my ankle playing with my dog in the yard a week or two ago and it's been bothering me ever since so I slowed it down this week to let it heal. I also changed up my workout by doing a yoga/pilates video I found on Netflix instant play and have been extremely sore all week. Great workout, but wowsers was I hurting for about 3-4 days! I also want to thank you for this challenge because it makes me accountable for exercising. I also thank the other ladies who are posting their numbers because it motivates me to not turn in a 0 miles week! :)
I did 8 miles this week for a total of 42 miles.
I got in 20 miles this week. I've been walking 2 miles at lunch and trying to get in around 30 minutes on the Wii every morning. On the weekends I do more than 30, usually around an hour.
26 for me this week. I do vary my exercise, although it's tougher in the winter! We rotate Gunner Petersen's workout videos in the mornings, finish with yoga, then take a walk at lunch, and sometimes another one in the evening. For those days when we just can't get started, we hop on the treadmill and let it do it's thing.
9 miles this week.
For total of 45 so far for the challenge.
12 miles for me. Didn't feel great starting on Wed and then just peetered out for the rest of the week. Starting off this week strong though.
I have been remiss in doing the progress reports, Trish! I apologize. This week has been kind of blah but I did manage to switch it up a little and do some more free weights and dancing with my yoga. I didn't get on the Wii Fit at all this week.
I finished only 3 miles this week. Not good. So much has been going on in my personal life and I have been sore. So that brings my total to 33 miles so far. Hopefully next week will be a better week for me.
Hey Trish! I walked 24 miles this week bringing my 5 week total up to 142. Can you check my total and make sure? I may have given you wrong numbers last week. As I recalculate I should be at 142 miles for the past 5 weeks. Thanks! Have a great week!
15 miles for me. I actually discovered my new exercise--Nia--the week before this, and attended my second class this week.
5 miles for me. I'm going to up my miles per day starting Monday so I'll have more miles per week.
I was walking outside this week and noticed my sock started to feel wet (it had rained earlier) so when I got home I took it off and checked and sure enough, it had a crack in the sole. I keep a few new pairs in case something like this happens so I don't have to rush out and try to find a pair that fits good. I just pitch my old pair and pick a new pair from my closet. I know, that's strange, but it works better for me.
I keep forgetting you can add other forms of exercise. I've only been adding my miles. I'll try to remember that next week.
Hi there! I got in 15 more this week (making my total 72).
I was really, really sore after shoveling the ice out of the driveway on Sunday, so I took it sort of easy last week.
I got in 3 sad miles!
Total of 24
I just got in new exercise dvd's. I am hoping this will help motivate me more. A 21 day challenge.
CONGRATS for all those working it out :)!!!
Keep on trucking!
A pitiful 1 for me for a total of 14. Yikes! I better step it up so I'm not doing all of my miles in the last two weeks like last time.
Hi - 16 for me this week! Thanks!
I've been so sick this week that I'd like to count the miles I did from the sofa to the bathroom, but... so 0 for me.
We have had decent weather to get outside! Got 21 miles in this week for a grand total of 93 miles so far.
I only got 6 miles this week :(. I will do better this coming week. The rain is a huge problem for me. I can't stand to go outside for 5 seconds when it is raining. When I am working out I try to do cardio first and then lift weights second. I mix up my cardio by running and then riding the bike, or just doing the elliptical (spelling?). When I lift weights I do one muscle group per day so the next time I am at the gym I am not too sore to weight train. I have to switch up the exercises though or I will die!
Sorry, I'm late posting my miles for last week.
8 miles for me.
You guys are doing so fabulous and I LOVED hearing about all of your different exercises this week.
Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
I was doing so well with remembering to post every week and then I forget. Gosh darnit.
Week 5 = 18 miles
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