Please report your "miles" for January 15-21 (Friday through Thursday). Please take a minute to make sure I have your correct total from last week. If you missed last week's progress report, you can just leave your total in the comments below--no need to go back.
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
New! If you have an update on your own blog leave your link in Mister Linky below. (Be sure to also leave your miles in the comments so I don't have to track them down!) Take a minute to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Participant Guest Posts from last week:
If you would like to guest post, please let me know via email at trishsreadingnook[at]gmail[dot]com!
Also make sure that you subscribe (or become a follower) so you don't miss any guest posts or giveaways. Yes, I said giveaways...
I upped my miles a bit this week...I'm at 22 for the week!
-Melinda (Getting things Write)
9 miles for me this week. Must step up my game soon, but at least it's increasing each week.
28 for me, but I once again ate over my limit for the week, by 745 calories. I guess exercise just makes me hungry. Unfortunately I haven't lost any weight since Jan. 1. :0/
9 for me.
I had to make myself do it even though I had a miserable cold.
Just 11 for me - kind of wimpy but my excuse is that 6 of them were in a hour-long boot camp class that KILLED me.
Make it 8 for me.
12 for me this week
Hopefully I can continue to add a few miles every week
Trish, an additional 10 for me this week for a total of 32 accumulated miles. Woo Hoo!!
(Garden in Paradise)
My total miles for this week are 16! i'm back in the groove!
I hit 26 miles this week, totalling 79 miles! Maybe I should set a goal of 300 by end of March?
Stuck on 8 again this week. I soooo hate winter. Thinking of tackling Richard Simmons (not literally) my "go to" start all over again workout. Obviously I've been starting all over for a very long time.
16 this week. What did I do last week, 12? Super! This is awesome.
I was able to get 25 miles this week giving me a new total of 84 miles. On target to reach my goal of 300 miles by the end of the challenge.
17 this week for me.
14 this week...the rain is interfering with my lunchtime walks!
Hi there - Got in another 11 this week (total is now at 37)!
I only managed 8 miles this week. I was out of town for a few days and didn't have anywhere to exercise. Oh well! There's always next week!
**I also haven't decided whether or not to exercise tonight. I've exercised 3 days in a row so I'm thinking that I won't, but if I do, I'll send another update.
Worst showing yet, but I will do better. 4 miles this week.
Hi Trish! I am not sure how but I did 30 miles this week in spite of our crazy Indiana weather. Glad I have access to an indoor walking area. My total should now be 85!
I'm amazed by some of your numbers, ladies!!
This week: 6
Total: 21
My plan is to try to get 10 next week. Pray for me! lol
I have been a total none achiever! UGGGG I have zero, yes zero miles.
My hurdles? Everything this week. Mainly myself.
I managed to do 8 this week.
I did 7 this week, so that's 18 total so far.
Thanks for making me accountable for this goal!
I did awful this week - I was sick for the first half of the week and spent two days with friends on the other half - and only managed a meagre 5 miles. So I'm up to 25 total.
I did better this week. I got in 7 miles. My yoga and core workouts are really helping my tendinitis in my shoulder. My total is now 16 miles.
Only 8 miles for me this week, bringing me to 82 more to go. I think I'm gaining weight.
Barely anything again this week (only 2 miles) but I'll be able to step things up this week and hopefully get on track soon.
Mark me for 12!
Hoping for about the same next week.
3 miles this week. And I refuse to make any excuses.
I didn't get anything done. I worked double shifts all week and the weekend. I work for a charity that has helped Haiti for many years so of course, we've been busier than ever since the earthquake. But I will do better this week. I doubt we have to keep doing double shifts forever.
I was still recovering from the flu earlier this week, but managed to get in 12 miles. Hopefully I'll be back up to speed next week!
Here is a good article about walking with intention.
I've covered 17 miles since I last checked in, for a current total of 27.
I did 5.
My total so far this year is a poor 13. I had a cold at the start and had no energy and am only just getting going. I will be away all this week though so unlikely to get any miles done. Plus I'm away all March on a driving holiday so don't think I will hit my target this quarter. Hopefully in April-June.
Updating for the last two weeks. 17 miles and 18 miles. Which brings the grand total to 53 miles for the 3 weeks.
We had a nice thaw that allowed me to get outside and walk!
Didn't really have any huge problems this week. I have a total of 26 miles to date. I think that I am going to push myself this week to run 3 miles without stopping. On Sunday I hit 2.6 miles without stopping. Yea Me!
Thanks guys! You're all doing great.
I had zero miles last week and probably this week as well. I'm still restricted by my doctor but I'm hoping in a few days I'll be able to at least do some low impact exercising. I have quite a bit to make up but I guess I'll just have to work twice as hard in February and March. Don't know how you guys with 20+ miles a week find the time to fit it in...please share your secrets!!!
Hey Trish, I is me, late as usual. I try to walk at least an hour each day and longer on the weekends. I walked 33 miles this week which brings me to 118 miles so far this year! Have a great week!
I did better this week. 8 in total for the week.
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