Please report your "miles" for January 8-14 (Friday through Thursday). I'll update your totals within the next few days, but check your amounts from last week to make sure they are correct. If you missed last week's progress report, you can just leave your total in the comments below--no need to go back.
Did you have any triumphs this week? Any hurdles to overcome?
What goals do you have for the upcoming week?
New! If you have an update on your own blog leave your link in Mister Linky below. (Be sure to also leave your miles in the comments so I don't have to track them down!) Take a minute to visit the other participants and cheer them on!
Guest Posts:
If you would like to guest post, please let me know via email at trishsreadingnook[at]gmail[dot]com!
18 miles for me! (Melinda at Getting Things Write)
10 more miles for me this week.
8 miles for me this week - need to do better.
Another 7 miles for me this week. I had 2 horrible days at school that resulted in an inability to do anything :( Will strive for 10 next week.
Hey, Trish! 12 more miles for me this week for a total of 22 accumulated miles to date. My motivation this week was remembering my disappointment of falling short of my goal last time by only 7 miles. I vow to stay on track this time!
Kimberly (Garden in Paradise)
7 for me.
Trish, that is so funny about your mom! I'll give some thought to doing a post, although I'm not sure I have anything remarkable to say. This round, the big motivator is the Game On Diet, which requires at least 20 minutes of exercise a day (which for me is usually an hour or more).
This week I hit 23 miles, bringing me to a total of 53! I shock myself.
I got 17 in this week. WOW! I've not ever done that many. :) 27 total. I did one 5 mile walk and one hour of volleyball so that was why.
I'm hoping to do another 5 mile walk on Saturday or Monday as well as the regular workouts.
I had a great week and added 35 miles giving me a new total of 59. I don't have a specific post this week, but I do have my breakdown for the week on the side bar: http://m3kp.blogspot.com/
16 miles for me.
Hi...don't see my name yet, but you may not have added it....1 mile today for me. Thanks!! Kathy :)
Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do! I've been out of town at a conference, left Saturday & got back Thursday, so I'm way behind.
During the first week, I did 8 miles, but only 2 miles while I was gone. Total for first two weeks: 10. Hope next week is much better!
And I just LOVE that picture of the cats on the treadmill!
Only 4 miles this week. I want to stop by everyone's blogs, and I will next week, but this weekend, I need to read 5 novels. I'm a CYBILS judge, YA, plus my hubbie and I are going to Hawaii ... in ONE week!
I added 13 more miles - total 26 :)
I only walked 7 miles this week for a total of 13. I just need to start going to bed earlier so I'm not too tired in the morning to exercise!
12 miles! Victoire! Triumph! Etc.
I'm off to a slow start again. Will I never learn?! I logged a pathetic 2 miles. But that is 2 closer to 100 :)
I got 7 miles in this week. Thanks, Trish!
14 miles for me this week. Pretty excited to add it up over time.
Yea! Sister, I got 6 miles. Yes, I know that is not great considering today is the 15th, but at least I am back in the game. I promise to do better than I did last challenge. Love You!
5 miles for the past week...again.
Hey Trish! You can add another 10 for me this week, bringing my total to 20. :)
Fast start, slow finish. 6 for me.
Hi all!
6 miles this week.
I was not as on it this week! :(
Hurdles: Too many carbs & fats not enough veggies! I've been too lazy and not going to the grocery store! UGG
8 miles for me this week. Better than last week, and I just started a weekly Yoga class so that should help. :-)
I had a pretty good week - 10 miles for me - it really helped to have some days without rain but I did have to supplement with the 30 day Shred video a few days too.
I see the name Juliann twice - are there two of us?
25 miles for me this week. My food journal has become a food and fitness journal. I ate 1280 fewer calories than last week, but I was still 455 calories over my limit for the week. :0/
I got in 8 miles this week. Though I will probably come up a bit short of 100 miles, 8 miles a week seems realistic to me and a lot more than what I was doing before.
First progress update in 2010 (I prefer to update every two weeks)...
29 km (of 160) / 18 miles.
8 this week. A little better.
I had a horrible week. I got in 5 miles over the weekend, but Monday night I came down with the flu. So no more miles for me. :(
8 miles for this week.
Total of 15.
Next step: cutting out the junk food and working on portion control.
Okay, so I'm not starting off so good. These past two weeks have just been crazy. I did none the first week and only 2 miles this past week. Things should have calmed down so hopefully I'll pick things up this week.
I only walked 2 miles this week. :(
I had excellent intentions, then the earthquake hit and we've been working 13 hour days (I work for a charity that helps Haiti and that part of the world). I even got called into work unexpectedly today. I've been coming home so beat, I just fall into bed.
Hi Trish! I walked 27 miles this week! That puts me at 55 total for the 1st 2 weeks....Thanks for keeping track of us.
Kim Frazier
January 8-14th was not a good week for exercise for me. I only got in 1 mile which brings my total to 9. The good news is this week is already off to a much better start!
Oops. I posted Progress Report #2 in the Progress Report #1 comments. I did 14 miles for January 9-15. Nine were exercise video "miles" and 5 were treadmill miles.
Hi Guys! Thanks for reporting your miles. Everyone should be up to date now (as of Friday's report) so check to make sure I tallied correctly. Also, some I couldn't tell if you were giving me your TOTAL or just this past week's. It's easier for me to just add what you got for the past week instead of trying to figure out whether you're adding everything up. Hope that makes sense.
One note. I hear a lot of discouragment in the comments. THIS IS NOT A RACE. Everyone has different workout habits and I'll admit that I fall victim to feeling a little bad that I will never get 20, 30, etc miles in a week. I'm lucky to break 10. Please don't get discouraged. Your one mile is better than zero. And my theory is as long as you're thinking about it, you'll eventually get in there are do more.
I got 7 miles this past week. I started off strong but received some medical news that will keep me off my feet for a few weeks. Not sure how I'll tackle that but I might have to just go into overload in February and March. Major roadblock but not the end of the world.
Hope everyone has a great week!!!
I managed 8 miles. Bronchitis recovery seems to be over though and I've been able to build up again the past few days.
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