In October 2009 I proposed an online fitness challenge and had over 85 people officially sign up and now I’m proposing that YOU join the 100 mile challenge with us as we move into Round 2.

Here’s how it works:
In order to complete this Challenge, you will need to “travel” 100 miles from January 1st through March 31st.
Here's how you calculate your mileage:
*Running or walking 1 mile outside or on a treadmill equals 1 mile.
*15 minutes of other workouts equals 1 mile (elliptical, swimming, weight lifting, workout video, workout classes, etc.).
A few "workout" stipulations:
“Workouts” only include activities specifically done for the purpose of exercise. Shopping, house cleaning, walking to and from the parking lot, and other day to day activities should not be included.
Partial miles travelled on different days cannot be combined. For example, if you run 1.25 miles on one day, and .75 mile on another day, that does not equal 2 miles. It counts as 1 mile.
Minutes accumulated on two different days cannot be combined. For example, if you workout 10 minutes one day and 5 minutes the next day, that does not combine to equal a mile.
1 mile on the bike or elliptical does not equal 1 mile, etc. Only walking/running is mile for mile.
Hey Trish!
How do I report my miles to you? On Fridays I will put up a Progress Report. Once you report, then I will put your name in the sidebar and update your miles for you each time you report. Ultimately it is your responsibility to keep track of your total mileage. (I like the putting stickers on a grid method...)
Hey Trish!
I just found your challenge and it’s already February, but I still want to join! Well, then join! Talk to me about how you can prorate your 100 miles.
Hey Trish!
Why can't partial miles or minutes be counted? Well, among other [maybe better] reasons, when rules start bending then there's no stopping them from breaking. You'll thank me in the end. :)
Sign Up Below--No Wallflowers Allowed! (You do not need a blog to participate--just put this blog's URL the URL field if you don't have a blog):
Wanna Help Motivate?
If you are interested in being a contributor to this blog--maybe workout tips, recipes, or other ideas, please let me know via email at trishsreadingnook at gmail dot com.
A few disclaimers:
1. I did not make up this challenge, and I don’t know where it originated from. This will be my ninth month of doing the challege, though, and I find it a great way to stay motivated.
2. I do not guarantee that you will lose weight or win your marathon if you do this challenge.
3. As with any new exercise program, check with your doctor to make sure it's okay you participate.
4. I do hope you’ll have fun and maybe get/provide some moral support by participating.
5. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask at any time!
I'm in again! I'm still working on finishing up for this year and I'm determined to make it to 100. Thanks for the extra motivation!
Can't wait for round two!
I'm on track to finish round 1. Woo-hoo!
So glad to see this, I need the motivation. Plus I bought myself and my husband pedometers for christmas. Thanks for doing this.
I"m definitely signing up again. Hopefully I'll hit 100 before the end of the year, and I think I'll have an easier time next time.
ok. i'm in. i'll do better this time. no, i promise i really will. both with the miles & guest posting. we are doing the biggest loser at work starting 1/4, so this is like double motivation.
Oh, you know I am in on this one! Right now I am fixing to go out (in the freezing sleet thank you!) to try to hit 200 by the end of the year. This is definitely going to help with my Game On Diet on January 4th!
For some reason, it took me to the sign up form for the first one, so I apologize for any confusion. I redid it correctly.
Thank you for doing this again.
Also, I'm willing to do an article/post about those like me who don't necessarily enjoy exercise but see the important benefits it brings about.
Hello! I would like to try! I need some sort of motivation, and I think this will do the trick! Thanks!
a great way to motivate myself! Being winter I really need to burn those extra chritmas calories! Thanks for hosting this!
I'm in, again. I met my last 100 miles on Dec. 23rd, 2009. Hoping for a little overkill this round.
Well I've walked 148 so far (not counting the miles I walk just going about my daily life). I will make 150 before Dec. 31. I'll start my counting over on Jan. 1. Thanks for hosting.
That's so great, Trish. I failed the last one by walking a grand total of one and a half miles! Now that Xmas is over and I'm more motivated to get into shape, I'll definitely be taking this one more seriously. :D
This is great - just what I need! 2010 is a big-birthday year for me and I am determined to reach that milestone in better fitness than I am now. Looking forward to this!
I'm hoping to beat my Round 1 total...and since it's 12/31 and I'm sitting on my butt, that should make it easier. :-D
I'm disappointed that I didn't finish the 100 miles from the original challenge, but I'm ready and willing to try again!
I am in this time around. Reading to start shedding the baby weight!
I'm hoping to do better this time around. Happy New Year!
My husband and I are IN this round!! Let's go!!!
I'm in Trish! I was 7 miles shy on the last challenge so I've got another chance to redeem myself! How do I log my miles on your site?
I'm excited to get started on the challenge--perfect timing for my New Year's resolution to do something active every day. Thanks for hosting this!
Thanks Trish. I'm looking forward to this!
I wanted to say thank you for coming up with or posting this challenge! I so needed something to get me moving focused on ACTIVITY not how many pounds I am losing or not losing! You are a GODSEND!!!
I did 2 miles today and I haven't worked out in MONTHS!!
I'm in this time! Time to get rid of the baby weight. Thanks for the awesome challenge!
Count me in again. I can't see a mister linky sign up but I am definitely in!
I'm doing it! Though for me it's 161 km since I'm metric :)
I'm looking forward to round two! I'm going to try to double my total this time so I'll be shooting for 200 miles, with at least half of those generated by resistance training or high intensity cardio rather than just walking all my miles as I did last time.
What a great complimentary challenge to the reading challenges that will have me sitting!
Hi Trish! Thanks for hosting this challenge again. I saw it in early October but just wasn't quite there to participate. As others have said, this will be a good way to burn off some of the extra holiday calories, and hopefully boost my motivation to keep getting on the treadmill. ;-)
This is exactly what I need to make myself put on the many layers needed to walk outside this time of year. I normally walk at lunchtime at work, but on days like this I could be lazy if not for the incentive you've provided. Thanks!
Thanks for hosting this GREAT idea. Encouragement and motivation are good things.
Thank you for doing this again Trish - I'm in for take 2!
This sounds like a good challenge, but a question, if the elliptical records the millage we run on it and we run the mile or miles etc, does that count as individual miles, or for ellipticals do the miles count in 15 min chunks? (Well for me its KM but I can find a way to convert it to see what I need to run/walk etc)
Hi Trish - I'm in for round 2. Setting my goal for 200, but commiting to vary my workouts more rather than so much time on the treadmill. I hit 180 in your first challenge; would you update my final total? This is great! Love you--Mom
Thanks everyone for signing up for the challenge! I'm so glad to have you. :)
*Jules* - In terms of the elliptical, the mileage doesn't count for the challenge the same way that walking/running mileage would count. The average walking pace is about 15 minutes a mile, so when determining the rules for the challenge 15 minutes was decided upon as a good rule of thumb. I'm not sure how long it would take you to do a mile on the elliptical, but for the purposes of the challenge, just 15 minutes counts for a mile. Email me if you have more questions!
Hey Trish...I forgot to check in last week. I walked 28 miles in 2010!
Hey Trish...I forgot to check in last week. I walked 28 miles in 2010!
Trish - I just discovered your challenge and your blog and I'm joining. Better late than never.
I'm trying to diet but I keep saying I'll exercise and don't keep up with it. Challenges always help me so I'm in.
Thanks for getting us going. I'll be back Friday to update my miles for this week. Gym - here I come. :)
Awesome! I posted the information on my blog...hopefully more to join!!
Kathy :)
I just joined. This is my first time participating. Since I missed the first 2 weeks, I may not make it to quite 100 miles, but we'll see.
I made the plunge and I joined! I'm also a little late joining, so I may not make the full 100 miles, but I'll try.
Hi I just joined. I did 8 miles this week. How do we post the miles? Thanks, Gloria
Looks great! Thanks for hosting. Can you suggest a way to keep track of or post our miles? Just on our personal blog?
Hi Trish - I did 8 miles last week and 11 miles this week. Total of 19 so far. Gloria Bonde
Hey Trish so far I only have 2 miles done, but won't be able to update for a while, as I broke my toe and can't do much running or travelling for a while. Hopefully I can start back up soon.
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